ASG [Autistic Support Group ] for parents or carers
This is a FREE support service to meet the needs of Parent/Carers in the community who care or support those on the Autistic Spectrum.

As part of our vision to meet the needs of the community to touch lives with encouragement and compassion. We recognise the need for support services, which our volunteers have personal experience of caring for individuals with autism and the impact it has on their own families. Parents are provided with the opportunity to talk through challenges and feelings, suggest helpful strategies and provide a non-judgemental environment.

What is autism? Autism is a developmental disability that affects how people interact with others. It is a spectrum condition which affects the individual in different ways. Some also have learning disabilities, mental health issues or other conditions resulting in different levels of support. People on the spectrum can learn and develop with the right support. Understanding and relating to other people, and taking part in everyday family, school, work and social life, can be harder for them.

The characteristics of autism vary from one person to another, difficulties with social communication and interaction due to challenges with interpreting both verbal and non-verbal language. The different types of autism are; autism spectrum disorder (ASD), autism spectrum condition (ASC) classic autism, kanner autism, pervasive development disorder (PDD), high-functioning autism (HFA), Asperser syndrome and Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)

This ASG service is offered to the parents/carers who has this need in the community, providing a much needed respite/time out allowing parents, carers, friends and family time to come together talk, connect or take a couple of hours to relax from what is at times an experience of certain difficulties and challenging events and at times lonely circumstances.