Three weeks of focusing on practical ways of how to  get out of poverty- contact admin for more details

A community project that The Diamonds Centre/DICM (Diamonds International Christian Ministries based in Croydon have been trained by UK charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP), are running sessions aimed at helping the local community a popular free course with great benefits to individuals and the community.

CAP is a FREE support service supported by The Diamonds Centre DICM. We are registered CAP money management coaches. This is a service to meet the needs of all people in the community who need some support. Separate sessions specifically tailored for the children are also offered. The sessions do not ask any individuals for any financial information this is solely to provide tools that will assist with the approach to managing money in daily life.

As part of DICM/The Diamond Centre vision is to meet the needs of the community and touch lives with encouragement and compassion impacting individuals who are isolated due to debt. The sessions can provide opportunity to look at different ways to work through finances and looking at suggest approaches in managing money offering helpful strategies in a non-judgemental environment. If any individuals are experiencing debt that needs further assistance they can be referred onto a personal CAP coach one to one who will work with one to one free of charge.

DICM/ The Diamond centre is one of more than 1,000 churches of different traditions across the UK who are regularly offering the course, as they work together to positively impact the communities around them.

How CAP can help. Building a balanced budget with the CAP Money system will give a practical way of sticking to budget. A balanced budget is vital in taking control of your money, it will help you see exactly what you are spending, how you could save money and prioritise your spending to include the things you really need or want to do.

The CAP Money System will give you a practical way of sticking to towards the things you planned for in your budget.

Using Cash for everyday living expenses there is a powerful system to enable you to stick to the weekly budget for food and living costs. After all when it has gone, it has gone!! Cash enables you to see exactly where you are wit your money at all times.

A part the vision it is to meet the needs of the community and touch lives with encouragement and compassion.