DICM Vision

To recognise the needs of humanity in the community.

To devote plans that will assist in bringing men & women [boys & girls] to establish a personal relationship with God through Christ Jesus.

To encourage our young to pursue their destiny and purpose in life including the pursuing of an education and employment which the church and the community will benefit.

To have a ministry that will give top priority to prayer, praise, worship and preaching the ‘Good News’.

To encourage, equip and support those people who are of ‘low self esteem, frustrated, confused or those who are broken hearted’ to find love, acceptance, hope, forgiveness and encouragement and help them to realise that they are ‘truly a Gem ‘in the hands of the Lord.

To encourage every believer to ‘make heaven’ and to equip them for a significant ministry by helping them discover their God given potential and calling.

To plant ministries in other areas and corners of the earth.

Together we can change the world

The Diamonds Centre Vision

The Diamond Centre was established by our founder Pastor Melodie-Ann Dalrymple and birthed out of the understanding that the church is not a building but a church that impacts the community.  It is a place where voluntary work is completed in the community for the community.

At the centre we have support groups, such as

  • ASG, Autistic Support Group for parents of autistic children. This takes place on a weekly basis, where advice, support, prayer and fellowship with other parents takes place. This group is a mixture of men and women of all faiths and nations can enjoy quiet time or networking with others who understand a little of what they experience on a day to day basis.


  • DSG, Diamond Support Group grew out of those people who had loved ones in prison and need someone to talk to other than family members but not just that, legal advice, direction, support with understanding the criminal justice system and it’s processes.  A centre where there is assistance with letter writing, prayer and reconnecting with in custody.


  • CAP, Christians against poverty exists because nobody should be held hostage by debt and poverty. But the truth is that they are rife in the UK. In a society where people live behind closed doors, thousands are desperately poor.  Unable to feed their children, incapable of paying to heat their homes in winter, the grip of poverty is relentless.  It breaks families apart and drives many to think that suicide is the only solution. We at the diamond centre joined with cap because we too are passionate about releasing people in our nation from a life sentence of debt, poverty and their causes. Our vision is to use the diamond centre to bring freedom and good news to people in our community.

“The diamond centre where change and success is inevitable”

Come Visit us This Weekend